and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts
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Поделиться94209-06-2022 08:35:21
collection of poems composed
Поделиться94309-06-2022 08:50:20
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
Поделиться94409-06-2022 09:26:02
works of art.
Поделиться94509-06-2022 10:48:57
manuscripts significantly
Поделиться94609-06-2022 12:55:44
books in ancient times was papyrus
Поделиться94709-06-2022 13:33:29
ancient and medieval Latin,
Поделиться94809-06-2022 15:37:22
Of his works, he is especially famous
Поделиться94909-06-2022 20:14:16
way. Handwritten book
Поделиться95009-06-2022 21:23:29
books in ancient times was papyrus
Поделиться95109-06-2022 22:35:46
Since the era of Charlemagne
Поделиться95209-06-2022 23:40:24
consists of the book itself
Поделиться95310-06-2022 00:31:54
... As a rule, the manuscript is called
Поделиться95410-06-2022 00:53:43
or their samples written
Поделиться95510-06-2022 01:23:24
handwritten books were made,
Поделиться95610-06-2022 01:36:28
and 12 thousand Georgian manuscripts
Поделиться95710-06-2022 02:20:45
book about the chess of love ", created by
Поделиться95810-06-2022 02:30:23
Manuscript is a collective name for texts
Поделиться95910-06-2022 02:55:26
inventions of typography
Поделиться96010-06-2022 03:30:20
At the same time, many antique